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Tag Archives: factions
Elder Scrolls Online Zone Levels
Q: Which level are all the zones in Elder Scrolls Online? Can you give a breakdown? Zones and enemies in The Elder Scrolls Online scale in difficulty to your character level. You can typically do zones and quests in any … Continue reading
Visual Comparison of Starting Zones
With the inevitable release and all the bad press regarding ESO’s starting experience, I decided to grab a few screenshots of the first few zones for every faction to give you a visual sample of how these locations look. First … Continue reading
First 20 Minutes of Elder Scrolls Online Gameplay Leaked
A leaked video of Elder Scrolls Online’s gameplay has been going around the past day or so. It was originally posted on Youtube but got taken down since due to a copyright claim by Bethesda, and nearly every other source … Continue reading
Massively Previews Elder Scrolls Endgame, PvP and Crafting
Richie Procopio from Massively recently had a hands-on play session and an interview with ZeniMax creative director Paul Sage that I found particularly revealing. It talks mostly about PvP combat, endgame and crafting. I advise you to read the entire … Continue reading
Posted in Game Info, News
Tagged alchemy, alliance points, alliance war, armorsmithing, campaigns, cooking, crafting, dungeons, endgame, equipment, factions, grouping, instances, leveling, professions, progression, provisioner, PvP, raiding, tradeskills, weaponsmithing
Factions And Races In The Elder Scrolls Online
The Elder Scrolls Online has three different factions players can join, the Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact. Each faction is comprised of three different races, with which old Elder Scrolls fans are surely familiar with. Below is a … Continue reading
Posted in Game Info, Guides
Tagged aldmeri dominion, daggerfall covenant, ebonheart pack, factions, races