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Tag Archives: progression
Leveling and Character Progression in TESO
Elder Scrolls fans are already used to the open-ended progression system of their characters from Oblivion and Skyrim, and The Elder Scrolls Online didn’t change too much in that regard. TESO allows you to pick from a multitude of choices … Continue reading
Posted in Game Info, Guides
Tagged attributes, builds, classes, experience, leveling, morphing abilities, passive abilities, progression, races, skill points, ultimate abilities
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Massively Previews Elder Scrolls Endgame, PvP and Crafting
Richie Procopio from Massively recently had a hands-on play session and an interview with ZeniMax creative director Paul Sage that I found particularly revealing. It talks mostly about PvP combat, endgame and crafting. I advise you to read the entire … Continue reading
Posted in Game Info, News
Tagged alchemy, alliance points, alliance war, armorsmithing, campaigns, cooking, crafting, dungeons, endgame, equipment, factions, grouping, instances, leveling, professions, progression, provisioner, PvP, raiding, tradeskills, weaponsmithing