Bangkorai Skyshards Map

Bangkorai is a level 37-42 Daggerfall Covenant zone containing 16 skyshards. You can click the Bankorai skyshard map below to view it full-sized. Red circles indicate locations of underground skyshards, while blue circles show the locations of outdoor ones.

Bangkorai Skyshards Map

Notes below should help you locate particular skyshards in case you have trouble finding them:

  1. At the end of Torog’s Spite solo dungeon.
  2. Inside a tower.
  3. First room of Troll’s Toothpick dungeon.
  4. In Silaseli ruins (Night Mother’s Gaze world crafting station)
  5. Cliffside, approaching from south makes it easy to see.
  6. Close to the boss in Viridian Watch solo dungeon.
  7. Outside of Evermore’s walls.
  8. West of the church in western part of the graveyard.
  9. Eastern outer side of the camp.
  10. Very close the Crypt of the Exiles end boss.
  11. In water near a waterfall.
  12. Last room of Rubble Butte solo dungeon.
  13. Behind large dwemer machinery, same room where Rkurdamz mini-boss is.
  14. Outside, easy to spot.
  15. Last room in Klathzgar solo dungeon.
  16. Outside near tents.

If you can’t find any of the skyshards, feel free to ask for help in the comments below!

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2 Responses to Bangkorai Skyshards Map

  1. Tulman says:

    The skyshard listed on this webpage as #8 says, “Behind the church in eastern part of the graveyard.” The church is WEST of the graveyard, and the skyshard is WEST of the church. Better and correct directions always make it easier for others.

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