Delve Maps

The Forgotten Wastes public dungeon map

The Forgotten Wastes public dungeon map

The Forgotten Wastes

Map of The Forgotten Wastes public dungeon map located in Vvardenfell, including the location of skyshard and bosses.

The Forgotten Wastes fast completion guide:

  1. From Wastes, go to Ancestral Tomb (map #5)
  2. From Tomb, take the other exit to Caverns (map #3)
  3. From Caverns, go to Kora Dur (map #2), then exit to Wastes to kill nearby boss
  4. Go back to Caverns, grab the skyshard and bosses and continue to Forgotten Depths
  5. Kill boss and complete the puzzle
  6. Go back to Wastes and complete the group event

The Forgotten Wastes bell puzzle solution:
To gain access to Weakener’s Hall for Echoes of the Fallen House quest, activate the bells in the following order: 1, 2, 4, 3, 6, 5.

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